Did you know that over 78% of employers are at risk of non-compliance through poor HR decisions and lack of robust HR documentation?


People = Profits and if you are not managing your people effectively you could be at risk of high staff turnover not to mention costly Unfair Dismissal Claims…

The problem?

Most business owners do not have the time, knowledge or resources to manage HR within the complicated legal system within Australia. When a business owner needs to tackle tricky HR issues such as redundancy, terminations and performance management issues they don’t really know how to craft simple, legally compliant communication to protect them from post hiring challenges.

So, to give you a hand…here is our list of the Top 10 most used HR templates that any business owner or Manager must have!

1. Contract of Employment

Having a standard contract of employment for old and new employees is very important for a variety of reasons including setting the tone for terms    and conditions of employment, expectations, regulation of leave entitlements, salary package, overtime, and benefits clauses – for Award and non-Award employees and setting out performance requirements, including any commission or bonus schemes. If you don’t have these set out clearly for all your employees you could be in breach of employment laws. At a minimum employees must have in writing their basic terms and conditions including whether they are Award Free or Award covered, their hours of work, status such as full-time, permanent or on a wage or a salary etc.

2. Termination Letter

It’s always difficult terminating an employee whatever the reason may be but having a letter in place ready to go can make the process a lot less stressful. More importantly an employer cannot legally terminate an employee without giving written notice and this cannot be given before or after the employee has been given notice it must be on the day!

3. Termination in Probation Letter

This letter is useful to confirm with an employee that his or her employment will not continue beyond the probationary period. By law you are required to provide written notice if you are going to terminate an employee during the probationary period.

4. Redundancy Letter

This letter is used when terminating an employee due to redundancy. This letter must include their final pay entitlements, notice period, redundancy pay entitlements, date of the employees last day and reason for the employee’s redundancy.

5. Warning Letter – Performance Issues

This letter is useful for providing an employee with written notice to address a performance or conduct issue. After having a face to face meeting with your employee about his or her behaviour you can issue the letter and hopefully reduce the risk of their performance getting worse. In the case of an unfair dismissal it is important to have this letter in place so that the Fair Work Commission knows the employee was duly advised of their performance or conduct issue and given an opportunity to improve prior to dismissal.

6. Anti-Bullying Policy

This policy is important for the prevention and occurrence of bullying and or discrimination in the workplace. Having this policy in place confirms to your employee’s that bullying and/ or discrimination is unacceptable and any such behaviour will be not be tolerated!

7. Leave Policy

A leave policy is important to confirm with an employee their leave entitlements. A policy will determine the type, how many days they are entitled to, how they can record their time and the process for requesting time off.

8. Position Description

Having a PD is very useful to save time and provide consistency across all PD’s in your business. It gives your business a chance to communicate expectations and allows your employee understand the key duties and responsibilities for their role.

9. Self Disclosure & Criminal Records Check Consent Form

This form is particularly important for any job where you are responsible for another human being. Criminal record checks are crucial for the safety of patients, children and co-workers and having this form will ensure you carry out the necessary checks on employees prior to making employment offers.

10. Employee Exist Check List Form

This form is great for keeping track of all duties that need to be completed for the smooth exit of an employee. It can include a check list of making sure the employee has returned all workplace property like passes, laptops and mobile phones. And to also ensure their payout is ready to go for the last day.

If you are looking for any of the above templates you can visit our templates page to get access to 32 of our most asked for templates for only $49 + GST => https://hrgurus.com.au/templates

Or for assistance with a specific HR issue call us today on 1300 959 560.

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