Linda has over 20 year’s HRM consulting and business partnering experience working across private industry, not for profit and government sectors including local Councils.

Linda is an AHRI Certified Practitioner in HR (CPHR) and AHRI mentor and holds a post graduate degree in HRM. Linda also has accreditation in Human Synergistics lifestyles and organisational culture inventory (LSI/OCI) and IECL Organisational/Leadership coaching, along with being MHFA trained.

Linda possesses both strategic and corporate knowledge in all facets of HRM, and she enjoys partnering with managers and executives in underperformance/misconduct matters to protect the business against adverse action. Linda is also adept at interpreting legislation/awards/EAs and is a trusted advisor and leadership coach.

Linda uses a client-centric approach to her work and believes that when you align your people with your core business principles, values and purpose through best practices and contemporary human resource solutions, it allows your people to take ownership, shaping your culture.

Linda is also an advocate for promoting early intervention measures to support workplace mental health through supportive coaching and mentoring approaches, she is TAE qualified and currently teaching HRM units at Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT), she is also a credible L&D facilitator.