We have all searched for jobs one way or another. We have walked into buildings and practically asked to be employed, we have made phone calls, and we have sent emails.

Searching for jobs is not something that began in modern times. It has been going on since the beginning of civilization. The methods of searching for jobs, however, has undergone changes over these many different eras.

Through the evolution of the internet, searching for jobs, just like searching for everything else, has been made very easy. You can literally job-hunt while you do anything else from anywhere you are. The only thing you need is an internet connection.

In this discussion of pros and cons of online job application submission services, it already becomes easy to identify one key pro. It is easier than running around and asking for work. Without further ado, let us take a look at the pros and cons of online job application submission services.

Pros of Online Job Submission Services

1. It is easy

This goes without saying. Applying for a job online is as simple as clicking a few options here and there and typing in your name. Then, you only have to provide a link for your resume and a cover letter if necessary.

This is made even easier with the variety of centralized job-hunting websites all over the world. You do not even have to leave your bed when looking for a job (though you probably should).

2. You get direct access to the management

If you go into a store and hand in your resume, chances are it will never even reach the store’s top management. The person you are trying to get to hire you will probably not even see it and hence you will not get the job you are looking for.

With online job-hunting, you gain direct access to top management be simply sending in an application and a resume. After all, such emails and internet messages are going to be viewed by the hiring party. That means the person doing the hiring will actually know that you are looking for the job. You will be directly communicating with him/her.

3. There are many options

Thousands of jobs are posted on job-hunting websites every day. Searching for jobs has never been easier with the number of options out there. This is especially true if you are flexible enough to do a number of different kinds of jobs. There are many, many employment options out there.

4. Searches are customizable

Since many of us are searching for jobs that pertain to fields we are familiar with, it is important to have customizable searches. With the internet, this is possible and hence a huge advantage over the older, more cumbersome ways of looking for jobs.

With customizable searches, we can easily look for the kinds of jobs we want, the positions we want, the salary range we require, the location we want to work in, the experience necessary for the job, etc.

This is an important feature because of the hundreds of thousands of jobs advertised every day. It will be impossible to look through them all and find the ideal on for you.

5. Remote searching

With the internet, you do not have to be in a specific location to look for a job. You can look for jobs in other cities and even other countries if you wish from your current office or from your home. Some of these jobs can even be done remotely.

Cons of Online Job Application Submission Services

1. You cannot leave a real impression

Only personal contact can achieve a certain type of impression on others. If you are applying for a job that requires you to show personality, you will come up short if you do so remotely over the internet.

Interacting with the hiring party when applying for a job can be a huge boost for your chances of landing it (or detrimental) depending on how you act around him/her. If you are good at making good, lasting first impressions, then applying for a job in person would suit you well.

2. The employer can’t differentiate between applicants

This is the only real drawback of applying for a job over the internet. The employer cannot differentiate your personality with that of other applicants. However, this isn’t really much of a problem because the employer can then conduct interviews to sift out those he/she feels are not up to scratch.

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