A simple explanation for all you business owners and non HR people out there…

So, what the hell is HR anyways? It’s a simple question and one that we get asked a lot. Actually, whenever we introduce ourselves and our business to anyone who works outside ‘HR Land’, the immediate response is often a smile and a nod, and then . . . ‘Um, what is HR?’ or ‘Oh ok, that’s recruitment right?’ Close, but not exactly.

So, we got asked this question so many times, we decided to write a book about it and “What is HR” was born. And, when we thought about it some more, we realised something very simple yet vitally important: if people don’t know what HR is, then how can it be an effective business function? This was the clincher.

We started thinking, could this be the reason why HR is ineffective in so many companies? Why so many employees don’t trust their HR team? Why the wrong people go into HR as a career? Could it all come back to the fact that no one has answered the important question? We started to think so. To test out our theory, we began researching answers to the main question (yes, we Googled ‘What is HR?’).

When we started looking at the answers and information that were out there for the regular business owner, we were astounded. Academic definitions, technical jargon and diagrams, long sentences and theory, theory, theory – no wonder smaller businesses so often parked the HR idea. It was too confusing! At HR Gurus, we couldn’t understand why there wasn’t a simple answer out there.

So, we created a simple explanation ourselves – which you can find in our Book, What is HR; a simple, straightforward guide to answer that burning question. We have summarised this explanation in this short blog and hopefully we can provide you with some simple insights that will help you on your way to learning why HR is so important for any business big or small! For all you HR people out there, bear with us, we have tried to keep our explanation as simple and jargon free as possible, so don’t freak out because you think it is too simplistic, that’s the whole point.

So lets get started by talking about what HR is really all about.

HR stands for ‘Human Resources’. It is a commonly used term in businesses to refer to the process of managing the people in your business in order to make money. Many larger businesses have an HR team to manage this process, but even if you are a small business, it still relates to you, too. Because in reality, the ‘HR’ function is about managing people, so it is part of the daily tasks of every business owner or manager.

Big Profits

So, how does it work? Well, here’s a simple ‘HR Map’ that we at HR Gurus think sums up the basics of HR, and how it translates into profits for business. At HR Gurus we want to show our clients the real value of HR, and also that HR is not just a ‘cost’ to your business – effective HR can add real value to your bottom line.

The 6 Factors of HR

If you would like to know more then check out our Book… What is HR, which provides more information and insights into our 6 Factors of HR, as well as gives you some hot tips on how to implement or improve effective HR in your business. For all you business owners out there we have a special offer if you book in for a one hour free consultation you will receive a free copy of our book!! To confirm your spot email our Head Guru Emily Jaksch directly at emily@dev-hrgurus.tempurl.host now limited spaces are available.

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